Tuesday, June 30


看来。。。大家都已倾诉各自HO的 生活。。。Kitjing也来凑热闹吧!!
就在这完全值得纪念日子----->本精与友人擅自宣布自己off tag的日子也是首次6点回到房的日子。。。哇哈哈。。。。(此BLOG被魔法师看到本精就完蛋了。。。。=.=")

为了我们家亲爱的热鸡鸡。。。本精不惜牺牲面子与名誉。。。用ENGLISH!! 是 ENGLISH 喔!!! 完成接下来将变成乱七八糟的倾诉。。。。泪。。。(真后悔没好好学英文。。。)

nah...hotchick....this blog i purposely write in english for u de....don say we always ignore u liao...hou sum lei...learn a bit chinese la....

so, my turn to complaint...

actually...currently nothing much for me to complaint..
my hostel are quite good...2 ppl in a room... room wit 2'cubicle' and an attach bathroom...(imagine yourself ba...haha)
current major issue is just that now i'm still in a car-less state and my mobility is quite limited...
going our wit mr. and mrs. prof lam always makes me glow psychologically....

medical department...hmm....

maybe relatively is not so busy....people here are nice and MOs are nice too....(no need say till so clear hor...is MOs, not MOssssss..wahaha)
same like any other posting....if do UFEME, ketone urine sure always +++ve...cos patient loves to come in at 12 to 2pm or 4 to 6pm... ward round always finis at 12pm...den around 3pm b4 we settle all the discharges and many many unclassifiable things...specialist will come review the interesting patient and put more order into our work list....then then then...when we finally 'finis' everything...sharp at 5.55pm...will have new admission!!! hurray...=.="

jus for your information...kitjing's steamness still maintain at overdose level...for people who always reach bedside for blood taking then only realise either forgot to bring stringe or needle or alcohol swap or glove or tubes and have to patah balik to the get what i left...probability to finish ward work at 6pm is equal to 0...but today~~ thanks to my ward new partner HO dr jas...we manage to finish at 6pm sharp!! woohoo.... great speed, great efficiency, and organize!! i must reach this kind of level faster...a bo die soon...haha...

oh ya...my pedal edema is resolving...hope someday can return back to my anatomical size...

p/s: tcl, hotchick...write more post ba...faster back to your normal blog post production rate la....i very sien day day read peanut blog liao...he so enjoy now...envy~~~haha

1 comment:

  1. i today baru off tag....n i havent get my broadband ne....now curi malas type during office hr nia...hope wont kena tangkap!!!
